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Crafting Area

Located near the front of the building is the crafting area consisting of two tables. The sewing desk against the wall, and the cutting table in the centre.

Do not dump your junk on the cutting table.

Status Operational as of March 2019
Training Recommended
Usage Restrictions Anyone
Creation Date VHS Epoch
Location Centre table near the Hangout at the front, and side desk
Champion See Compendium of Champions


This should outline safety concerns and guidelines for the area and it's tools / operation.


Detailed specifications and references to information describing the area and it's purpose, sub categories for it's relevant tools. Strive for comprehensive!


Instructions on how to use the area and/or it's tools or links to references, pdf guide or something. This should be a solid basis for any required training.

Maintenance Log

Any maintenance, repairs, relocations, changes, etc to the area should be logged below with a note, date and who!

Turn left to the paint room

Turn right to the lockers

Move forward to the central work tables

Move Back to the Hangout

area/crafting.1554406127.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/04/04 19:28 by 00739

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