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Ratified Policies

The following are a list of policies that have been ratified at general meetings. Members can propose new policies too! Just follow these helpful proposing a policy guidelines.

Member fees and vouching

TL:DR - $60/month, 2 month wait before you can apply for keyholder, application takes a week and needs 3 vouches.

Member Fee and Vouching - September 16, 2018

Expense Approval

TL:DR - you pay for your own parking tickets/fines/damage

Expense Approval - March 15, 2015

Member Storage Bins

TL:DR - you can have a bin, it has to be the right kind of bin

Membership Storage Bins - April 3, 2016

Garbage and Recycling

TL:DR we have a bin and a tote, there are rules, violators will be shamed.


Old Policies for cleanup below:


Committees [are] required to post their report to talk at least 24 hours , but no more than 7 days before a QGM to meet the requirements of reporting. The formalized requirements are: Budget, line items of expenses, membership, changes to membership.

At a minimum, committees will report every 2nd QGM, committees that fail to report relinquish powers and budget. Committees must also list themselves publicly on the VHS Wiki.

Keyholder Waiting Period

“Be it resolved that the keyholder waiting period be reduced to 2 months, and the vouches required be increased to 3.”


Official cut-off point for new general meeting (GM) proposals is one week (7 days) before a GM.

Tidy Space

Adopt Tidy Space Policy as posted on Talk, under the Tidy Space Committee, enforcement will start on April 28th[, 2018].

admin/policies.1554761511.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/04/08 22:11 by dbynoe

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