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How to move the Space

Sometimes VHS has to move. These are some of the things we have learned from previous moves.

Form a space-hunting committee

The community at large will require extended discussions that aren't always necessary and it's not possible to make everyone happy (see: bikeshedding). A small group of people who take responsibility of finding a best-fit is much easier.

7 or fewer people is ideal. In addition to the seven, at least one member of the Board of Directors in a purely observational role to sign off on any final decisions and keep the Board in the loop.

- Something something automated scrapers, discussion platform that allows backscroll to be continued while going mobile, multipronged approach, feet-on-pavement, formalise committee to have carte blanche

Form a moving committee

- more open, community engagement

- multiple phases

  1. purge, pack, buildout, move
  2. make first two phases distinct with no overlap!

Towers of Hanoi

- tools required to pack up the old space should be packed last

- tools required to prep the new space should be moved first

- everything packed in a box should be labelled on the SIDE of the box so that it can be found after it has been stacked on a palette.

tutorials/moving.1417720360.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/12/12 14:31 (external edit)

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