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  • owner = Vancouver Hack Space
  • donor = Tradeworks
  • user certification required = Certification Required
  • hackable = No (See tips below)
  • model = DeWalt dw746
  • serial # = Please Fill This Out
  • arrived = October 2017
  • does it work? = Works
  • if it breaks = Put a “broken” sign on machine, post on
  • where = In Workshop
  • * value = Valuable enough that we should treat it with the respect that it cannot be replaced.


Safety at a Glance


  • Safety Glasses
  • Hearing Protection
  • Non-slip footware
  • Push Stick (Accessible)
  • Sober (under no influence of drugs/alcohol/etc)


  • Leather Work Boots (must be non-slip)


  • Any gloves
  • Jewelry, Long Hair (tie back), and loose fitting clothing.

Watch This:

Safe Operation


To avoid accidents, the following operational safety rules must be observed by everyone using the Vancouver Hack Space angle grinder. Failure to follow the safety rules may result in a loss of shop privileges.

Start With A Risk Assessment To Ensure A Safe Work Area:

  1. Do not use the angle grinder when there are others in the space, unless they are paying attention to your work and they are also wearing the required personal protective equipment!
  2. Safety glasses and a face shield MUST be worn. Hearing protection MUST be worn. Always have a fire extinguisher or bucket of water nearby when grinding.
  3. Remove loose fitting clothing, jewelry, and tie back long hair.
  4. Give the work your undivided attention.
  5. Always search thoroughly after grinding for any sparks which may cause flammable material to ignite.

Operational Safety Rules:

  1. Wear safety glasses, goggles or a face shield at all times while using the saw.
  2. If the cutting operation is dusty, wear a dust mask and turn on shop dust collection
  3. Do not wear gloves while operating a table saw.
  4. Avoid long sleeves, ties, dangling jewelry or any other loose fitting clothing while operating a table saw. The clothing could get caught in the blade.
  5. Wear non-slip footwear.
  6. Use a push stick to cut stock that is 150 cm or less in width.
  7. Use a stop block when you crosscut short lengths.
  8. Position your body so that it is NOT in line with the blade. This is to avoid being injured by flying sawdust, woodchips or the work.
  9. The height of the blade should be set just slightly higher than the stock being cut. It should never be more than 6mm above the height of the stock. This is to ensure that if your hand slip you only receive a slight cut and do not lose a limb.
  10. Always stand firmly on the floor and avoid any awkward operations. This is to avoid falling into the blade by slipping or losing your balance.
  11. Do not carry on a conversation while cutting. Pay attention to the work being performed.
  12. Do not reach behind or over the blade unless it has stopped turning.
  13. Do not leave the saw until the blade has come to a complete stop.
  14. Always disconnect the power prior to changing the blade or performing any other maintenance operation.
  15. Make sure that the blade has stopped turning before you adjust the table saw.
  16. After any adjustment, make sure that the blade is free before you turn on the power.
  17. Ensure that the guides are positioned properly and that the tabletop is smooth and polished. An unclean or rough table requires you to use more force to push the stock through the blade. The more force that you are required to use the more chance that you may slip or lose your balance.
  18. Maintain the rip fence parallel to the blade so the stock will not bind on the blade and be thrown.
  19. Check the throat plate to ensure that it fits exactly and has a slot just slightly larger that the blade. Never operate a table saw with the throat plate removed
  20. Do not make free-hand cuts on the table saw. The stock must be guided through the blade either by the rip fence or the mitre gauge.
  21. Keep the blades' guards, spreaders and antikickback devices in place and operating properly. The spreader must be in alignment with the blade and the antikickback device must be in place and operating properly. Their action must be checked before cutting.
  22. Only seasoned, dry, flat wood should be cut.
  23. Work should be released only when it has gone past the blade. Whenever the stock is lifted or tilted above the surface of the table, the saw can shake the stock, causing you to lose your grip.
  24. Check that the stock has no nails, knots screw, stones etc. in it prior to cutting into the wood. These items can become projectiles and cause injury.
  25. Do not use the fence and a mitre gauge at the same time, unless they are both on the same side of the fence.
  26. The fence must not be adjusted while the saw is running.

Maintenance Log

Any maintenance, repairs, relocations, changes, etc to the tool should be logged below with a note, date and who!

Note Date Who
Arrived October 2017
tool/table_saw.1607015009.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/12/03 17:03 by mike

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