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VHS announces intent to destroy the moon by 2010

The Vancouver Hack Space (VHS) has set a goal of February 12th 2010 to destroy the moon. VHS member mcantelon has said “We have tolerated this inferior celestial body for too long.” The first stage of the plan is to organize a small moon landing party. Once there members will identify potential weaknesses in the structure of the moon to aid in an efficient demolition.

VHS director b0wser has spoken out in support of the plans. “I think we should destroy the moon, pwn this that and the other thing. Not because they're hard, but because it'll give us the lulz.” Launch sites for the landing party and subsequent attack are still being scouted. The most likely candidate will be the expo lands adjacent to False Creek in Vancouver's notorious downtown east side.

Critics of the plan have said that destroying the moon could cause global problems with tides. This is in addition to the large portions of the moon that will spiral down to the surface of earth destroying all life as we know it. Landing party coordinator afreak has issued a statement on behalf of VHS, saying “VHS takes no responsibility for the tidal problems of 2010.”

I for one welcome our new moon chunk overlords.

About Vancouver Hack Space

VHS provides a physical space where hackers, computer geeks, engineers, circuit benders, crafters, and other creative types can gather to share ideas, equipment, opinions, and beer. We aim to create a sort of 24/7 brain gym, where members can show up and work on personal projects, consult with friends, and learn new tricks. More than just a studio space, we focus on sharing all sorts of knowledge within a friendly and collaborative atmosphere. At this point most of our members are hardware and software engineers, many of whom share an interest in microcontrollers, robotics, electronic music and art, but we welcome anyone with skills to share and/or an interest in learning. If this is you, why aren't you here?


hacks/destroymoon.1385065910.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/12/12 14:31 (external edit)

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