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Super Happy Hacker House

Super Happy Hacker House (SHHH) is inspired by the Super Happy Dev House and Hackerspaces communities.

From the SHDH site:

“… a non-exclusive event intended for creative and curious people interested in technology. We're about knowledge sharing, technology exploration, and ad-hoc collaboration. Come to have fun, build things, learn things, and meet new people. It's called hacker culture, and we're here to encourage it.”

Most importantly, regular SHHH events will provide a time and space for such collaboration. What we make of it is up to each participant.

Super Happy Hacker How-To

  1. Pick a date! (Try to make sure that the people organising are available and that there are no major (community) events that evening.)
  2. Pick the title
  3. Write the announcement post
  4. Post the announcement post on Talk in the Events & Announcement category
  5. Update the announcement post with the announcement post URL
  6. Post the announcement post on the blog
  7. Create event in the calendar
  8. Create the Facebook event, or get an FB admin to do so
  9. Post a call for challenge coins
  10. If needed, post a call for drinks sponsor

Note Blog posts automatically get posted to Facebook and from there onto Twitter.

Here's an Example Announcement

Typical Event Schedule:

  • Noon: Open House
  • 6pm: Show and Tell
  • 8pm+: SHHH
  • 11pm: Lightning Talks (Challenge Coins are made for this)


If any local companies would like to support SHHH, they are encouraged to purchase food and/or drinks for hackers.

History of SHHH Events

events/shhh.1555534195.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/04/17 20:49 by 00739

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