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Safety at VHS

Many tools here can be dangerous. If you are not qualified to use them or are unsure, please ask! A list of rules will not keep you safe; safety comes from knowing how to recognize all possible hazards and understanding how to deal with them. You are responsible for your own safety and the safety of others.

All tools in the “workshop area” (the back half of the space) are members only. Feel free to come down and use our soldering irons, hand tools, and test gear, however.

A brief overview of our safety gear:

Please familiarize yourself with all of the below before undertaking anything remotely dangerous.

  • First aid kits:
    • Big white box at the entrance to the workshop
    • Crash kit in the red backpack on top of the vending machine
    • Small yellow kit near workshop entrance for minor nicks and scrapes
  • Fire extinguishers:
    • Big orange one above the tool shelves near workshop entrance
    • Small red one above blue craft lockers near soldering stations
    • Small red one near BYTES sign above member lockers
    • White spray bottle by laser cutter - for small flare-ups
  • Eye wash station near workshop entrance
  • Yellow sharps container above vending machine
  • Safety glasses are located in the shelves to the left at the entrance of the workshop area. There are various sizes and styles available for use (some will fit over regular glasses, some will provide good peripheral vision, childrens sizes, etc)
admin/safety.1487534385.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/02/19 19:59 by rsim

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