2013-11-21: 3D Printer Night

We’ll have a brief tour of the space and our printers for newcomers, followed by a 3D printing 101 talk for those just getting started in printing.

Bring your printer or your curiosity.

No cover charge.  Our lonely donation jar would love your attention.

Everyone welcome! Membership not required for this event.

Starts at 19:30 and goes until late.

4 Comments on “2013-11-21: 3D Printer Night

  1. hi

    I’d like to attend with my two children. they are 5 and 7. I want to get them interested, I hope that’s cool. We’d stay until about 8:15pm.


  2. There is no need to register for this event. Children are welcome, preferably accompanied by an adult. See you there!

  3. Pretty difficult to find, couldn’t get in through the door. Not very 1st timer friendly.