Ottersoft “Tiny” 3D Printer Demo @ VHS open night 2013-02-26

The “Tiny” is a fantastic new printer coming soon. It can print 700mmx400mmx300mm and can move at 500mm/s and print at 300mm/s. It has a resolution of 9 microns X and Y and less than 1 micron in Z. What would you print with that kind of size and accuracy?

This and many other great things are always going on at the Vancouver Hack Space. This was filmed on our Tuesday open night and it was so busy! We were dissecting a printer, hacking Minecraft on a Raspberry Pi, capturing Ingress nodes, laser cutting, and so much more. We had shadow boxes, we had startups looking to hire, we had new friends, we had walkers, we had talkers, we had purple-haired fizz boppers. Don’t take my word for it – Peruse our calendar and then come down to check it out for yourself.