Table of Contents

LED Video Wall

Yes, VHS has its own jumbotron, and its AWESOME!.

Quick facts

Status Operational February 2020
Training Not Needed
Hackable Software on the computer - Yes
Hardware - Probably not a good idea
Firmware on the FPGA's (sender and reciever cards) - Very not advised unless you know what you are doing
Usage Restrictions None
Owner VHS
If it Breaks Contact David - @dbynoe on slack and talk
Location In lounge
Value $$$$ - Fricken Priceless
Champion See Compendium of Champions
Talk Threads

Main Hazards

Quick facts

Powering up the Video Wall

Playing a Game

Displaying Anything else on the screen

Disconnecting the Power

System Overview

The LED Wall consists of four main components connected in the following manner.

Computer → Sender Card → Receiver Card → LED Panel


Sender Card

Reciever Card

LED Panel