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events:shhh [2019/04/05 03:35] – ↷ Page moved from shhh to events:shhh 00739events:shhh [2019/04/18 19:22] (current) 00739
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-===== Super Happy Hacker House =====+====== Super Happy Hacker House ======
 Super Happy Hacker House (SHHH) is inspired by the [[|Super Happy Dev House]] and Hackerspaces communities. Super Happy Hacker House (SHHH) is inspired by the [[|Super Happy Dev House]] and Hackerspaces communities.
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 Most importantly, regular SHHH events will provide a time and space for such collaboration. What we make of it is up to each participant. Most importantly, regular SHHH events will provide a time and space for such collaboration. What we make of it is up to each participant.
 +===== Super Happy Hacker How-To =====
 +=== Want to run one? ===
 +  - Pick a date! (Try to make sure that the people organising are available and that there are no major (community) events that evening.)
 +  - Pick the title
 +  - Write the announcement post
 +  - Post the announcement post on Talk in the Events & Announcement category
 +  - Update the announcement post with the announcement post URL
 +  - Post the announcement post on the blog
 +  - Create event in the calendar
 +  - Create the Facebook event, or get an FB admin to do so
 +  - Post a call for challenge coins
 +  - If needed, post a call for drinks sponsor
 +Blog posts automatically get posted to Facebook and from there onto Twitter.
 +[[Sample_SHHH_Post|Here's an Example Announcement]]
 ===== Typical Event Schedule: ===== ===== Typical Event Schedule: =====
-  * 7pm - doors open, start hacking +  * Noon: Open House 
-  * 11pm - Lightning Talks - 5 minute presentations on cool things +  * 6pm: Show and Tell 
-  * Hacking continues until people leave or until sunrise.+  * 8pm+: SHHH 
 +  * 11pm: Lightning Talks (Challenge Coins are made for this)
 ===== Sponsors ===== ===== Sponsors =====
 If any local companies would like to support SHHH, they are encouraged to purchase food and/or drinks for hackers. If any local companies would like to support SHHH, they are encouraged to purchase food and/or drinks for hackers.
 +===== What about the Booze? =====
 +**TL:DR** __if we have a 'staff party' that is not open to the public we can serve liquor without a permit. As long as the directors send an invite to the membership first.__
 +An SEP is **not required** for a staff party if the party is //held in a closed office or business premise// that is not regularly licensed. The party must be //restricted to the owners or employers, employees and their guests and liquor may only be **served** but not **sold.**//
 +[[|BC Special Occasion Permits]]
 +2.3 When a Special Occasion Licence is Not Required:\\
 +The special event is held in a private place (if there is any doubt about whether a proposed venue is a
 +private place, the individual or organization holding the event should consult with a BC Liquor Store
 +manager or LCLB) and liquor is served but not sold. A private place includes:
 +a closed office or business premise that is not a licensed establishment, provided that all the
 +following conditions are met:
 +  * the area used for the event is not visible to the public
 +  * the nature and size of the event is such that it will not draw the attention of the public through excessive noise or other disturbances
 +  * members of the public cannot enter
 +  * attendance is by prior invitation only
 +  * the special event is attended only by the employer and employees and their guests (or board members and staff and their guests, if the office is not a business)
 +  * no fee is charged for entry or entertainment and no fee is charged for services related to the service of liquor (e.g., fees for mix, ice and glasses), and
 +  * the event occurs in the office space normally occupied by the business or agency hosting the event.
 ===== History of SHHH Events ===== ===== History of SHHH Events =====
-[[shhh:2010_04_17]] +[[shhh:2009_07_4|July 4, 2009]]\\ 
-[[shhh:2009_12_18]] +[[shhh:2009_08_15|August 15, 2009]]\\ 
-[[shhh:2009_08_15]] +[[shhh:2009_09_25|September 25, 2009]]\\ 
-[[shhh:2010_01_29]]+[[shhh:2009_11_7|November 7, 2009]]\\ 
 +[[shhh:2009_12_18|December 18, 2009]]\\ 
 +[[shhh:2010_01_29|January 29, 2010]]\\ 
 +[[shhh:2010_04_17|April 17, 2010]]\\ 
 +[[shhh:2010_05_29|May 29, 2010]]\\ 
 +[[shhh:2010_07_10|July 7, 2010]]\\
events/shhh.1554435301.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/04/05 03:35 by 00739

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