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area:crafting [2019/04/04 19:28] 00739area:crafting [2024/09/22 21:05] (current) elizabot
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-====== Crafting Area ======+====== Arts and Crafts Area ======
 Located near the front of the building is the crafting area consisting of two tables. The sewing desk against the wall, and the cutting table in the centre. Located near the front of the building is the crafting area consisting of two tables. The sewing desk against the wall, and the cutting table in the centre.
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 Do not dump your junk on the cutting table. Do not dump your junk on the cutting table.
-{{:area:image_from_ios.jpg?direct&400|}}+{{:area:craftingarea.jpg?direct&325|}} {{:area:image_from_ios.jpg?direct&325|}}
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 ^ Creation Date      | VHS Epoch                                                    | ^ Creation Date      | VHS Epoch                                                    |
 ^ Location           | Centre table near the Hangout at the front, and side desk    | ^ Location           | Centre table near the Hangout at the front, and side desk    |
-^ Champion           | See [[compendium-of-champions#tools|Compendium of Champions]]|+^ Champion           | See [[tool:compendium_of_champions|Compendium of Champions]] |
 ===== Safety ===== ===== Safety =====
-This should outline safety concerns and guidelines for the area and it's tools / operation.+While the crafting area may not hold VHS'most dangerous tools, it is always important to not underestimate the dangers of small tools. There are many sharp blades and needles in this space that must be looked after, as well as hot glue guns, irons and noxious chemicals.
-===== Specifications =====+  * Always cap your blades when not in use. This reduces damage to both humans and blades. 
 +  * Do not leave pins and needles on the floor. They have the potential to puncture footwear and then you need a tetanus shot. 
 +  * Unplug machines you are not using, especially hot irons
-Detailed specifications and references to information describing the area and it's purpose, sub categories for it's relevant toolsStrive for comprehensive!+The biggest way to maintain a safe environment is to maintain a clean environment. Please clean up and put away anything you are not using in its proper home. 
 +===== Equipment ===== 
 +  * [[tool:sewing_machines|3 sewing machines, 1 serger, 1 industrial sewing machine, 1 embroidery machine] 
 +  * [[tool:ironing|some number of irons + ironing boards]] 
 +  * [[tool:ironing#conair_steamer|Conair Steamer]] 
 +  * [[tool:ironing#dressform|some dress forms]] 
 +  * [[tool:silkscreening|Silkscreening Tools]] 
 +  * [[tool:badge_a_minit_button_maker|Button Maker]] 
 +  * [[tool:vinyl_cutter|Vinyl Cutter]] 
 +[[:tool#Crafting|And a lot more!]]
 ===== Tutorial ===== ===== Tutorial =====
-Instructions on how to use the area and/or it's tools or links to referencespdf guide or somethingThis should be solid basis for any required training.+The crafting area has a mini library in the lockers beside the desk, containing machine manuals and patternsas well as other helpful books and inspiration 
 +-Document library contents here- 
 +===== Need help? ==== 
 +If there is major break, contact Liz on the [[tool:compendium_of_champions|Compendium of Champions]] 
 +Post on Slack in #sewing-and-more
-===== Maintenance Log ==== 
-Any maintenance, repairs, relocations, changes, etc to the area should be logged below with a note, date and who! 
-[[:paint room|Turn left to the paint room]] +[[area:paint_room|Turn left to the paint room]] 
 [[area:lockers|Turn right to the lockers]] [[area:lockers|Turn right to the lockers]]
-Move forward to the central work tables+[[area:work_tables|Move forward to the central work tables]]
-[[:the_hangout|Move Back to the Hangout]]+[[area:the_hangout|Move Back to the Hangout]]
area/crafting.1554406127.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/04/04 19:28 by 00739

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