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tool:dremel_vibrating_multi_tool [2021/10/19 23:54] (current) – 70 sizovalex
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 +====== Dremel Vibrating Multi Tool ======
 +Summary description of the tool and perhaps some notes about its existence!
 +^ Make & Model       | Dremel mm30  |
 +^ Serial Number      | LR39098   706                        |
 +^ User Manual        |  |
 +^ Status             | Operational                        |
 +^ Training           | RTFM                                       |
 +^ Hackable           | NO                                                              |
 +^ Usage Restrictions | Anyone                    |
 +^ Owner              | Alex Sizov                                          |
 +^ If it Breaks       | message me on SLACK, alternatively, leave your contact in the bag with a note.   |
 +^ Loan Status        |Temporary                |
 +^ Arrival Date       | 10/19/2021                                                                  |
 +^ Location           | Wood workshop, power tools drawer                                     |
 +^ Value              | 100$$                                                                     |
 +^ Champion           | See [[tool:compendium_of_champions#tools|Compendium of Champions]]     |
 +===== Safety =====
 +This tool is relatively safe to use, actually, it's pretty hard to cut yourself with it even if you try.
 +===== Specifications =====
 +check the manufacturer description. it vibrates, and thus cuts things. for hard to get to places
 +===== Tutorial =====
 +===== Maintenance Log ====
 +^ Note               ^ Date         ^ Who       ^
 +| Wiki entry created | Oct 19, 2021 | Alex Sizov |
tool/dremel_vibrating_multi_tool.txt · Last modified: 2021/10/19 23:54 by sizovalex

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