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Thickness Sander

Summary description of the tool and perhaps some misc notes about it's existence!

Status Being Built as of Nov 25, 2016
Training Highly Recommended - Easy to Damage
Hackable YES
Usage Restrictions Members Only
Owner Michael Kessler (motor owned by VHS)
If it Breaks Unplug, Place Broken Sign on Tool
Loan Status Semi-Permanent
Arrival Date Date
Location Workshop
Value $150
Champion See Compendium of Champions


The thickness sander is a rotating power tool that can generate large quantities of wood dust. All precautions for power tools, rotating power tools, and sanding should be followed, including, but not limited to: Eye protection, Breathing Protection, Environmental Dust Collection, Ear Protection, Skin Protection, No baggy/dangling clothing, long hair tied, etc.

Take special care not to raise the bed into the sanding drum, which will cause permanent damage.


Sandpaper is “hook and loop” sandpaper. Drum will be 3.8“ in diameter.


Currently, seek Michael K. for training.

Maintenance Log

Any maintenance, repairs, relocations, changes, etc to the tool should be logged below with a note, date and who!

Note Date Who
Wiki entry created Nov 25, 2016 Michael K.
tool/thickness_sander.1480096782.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/11/25 17:59 by mike

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