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  • owner = Vancouver Hack Space
  • no certification required = Tool certification doesn't exist yet.
  • hackable = No (See tips below)
  • model = Paragon KM 14T
  • serial # =
  • arrived = 2021
  • does it work? = Works
  • if it breaks = Unplug machine, put a broken sign on machine, post on Talk.
  • contact = Machine Shop/Welding Shop
  • where = Machine shop
  • value = $$$$

Safety at a Glance


  • If it wasn't obvious, ovens make things hot. This oven is extra spicy. Follow all safety procedures for really really hot things.
  • Know where you are going to put hot things and clear those areas and the paths between them before things are hot.
  • Do not leave the space while things (material, oven, tools, etc) are still hot.
  • Fire watch for 30 minutes after everything is cool.


  • Any operation with this oven takes time, plan accordingly.
  • Example Timing Info: “It took 55 minutes to get to 1550 including a 40 drop when I peeked to take a pic at about 1400..”

Buddy Up:

  • Consider working with a buddy to help with doors and hot things.
  • If working with a buddy is not viable, consider working when others are within earshot.


The oven has a programmable controller. Manual attached here im204-sentry12key-cfrh-nov2018.pdf

tool/heat_treating_oven.1652063880.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/05/09 02:38 by mike

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