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Tinkerine Ditto Pro 3D Printer

Status Works
Training Mandatory
Hackable No!
Usage Restrictions Members Only
Owner VHS
If it Breaks Put a “broken” sign on machine, post to Talk with details.
Loan Status Donated to VHS by Tinkerine
Arrival Date March 2015
Location 3D Printer area
Champion See Compendium of Champions


See 3D Printing Area for more details

To get training, post on Talk requesting a session.

Shiny and White

Status Working as of April 11th, 2015
Training Mandatory
Hackable NO
Usage Restrictions Members with 3D Printer Training Only
Owner VHS
If it Breaks Attach an “out of order” sign & Contact 3D printer working group.
Loan Status Owned
Arrival Date January 2015
Location 3D Printer Workbench
Value $2000
Champion See Compendium of Champions


Build Volume 220 x 165 x 220 mm (8.7 x 6.5 x 8.7 in)
Filament Diameter 1.75 mm
Layer Resolution 50-300 microns (0.05-0.3 mm)
Material PLA ONLY
Nozzle Diameter 0.35mm
Technology Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF)


File Type STL,OBJ
Os Compatibiltiy Windows, Mac
Software Tinkerine Suite


More information can be found on the Tinkerine website. Tinkerine tutorials are available on [ | Tinkerine U]].

tool/dittopro.1686074263.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/06/06 17:57 by tamara

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