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start [2013/06/05 16:19] i-make-robotsstart [2023/10/18 12:13] kishorebrolly
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-{{ :2009-07-28_22.15.50.jpg?250x180}} +           
- +                                      AWS Training in Hyderabad 
-VHS provides a physical space where hackers, computer geeks, engineers, circuit benders, crafters, and other creative types can gather to share ideas, equipment, opinions, and beer.   We aim to create a sort of 24/7 brain gym, where members can show up and work on personal projects, consult with friends, and learn new tricks More than just a studio space, we focus on sharing all sorts of knowledge within a friendly and collaborative atmosphere. +             
- +            
-:-[[outfitting_270_e_1st|About the move to VHS 3.0]] :-) +   AWS DevOps typically begins with Infrastructure as Code, where the entire infrastructure is defined and provisioned using codeAWS provides tools like AWS CloudFormation and AWS CDK (Cloud Development Kit) for this purposeThis enables reproducibility and version control for infrastructure
- +    
-First time here?  Read all [[about VHS]] +    
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-You can read [[instructions for our kits]] +
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-We have a great selection of [[Equipment and Tools|Equipment and Tools at VHS]] We'd love to have you [[|join us]] and get [[vhs_member_initiation|initiated]]+
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-For up to the minute goings on, please visit [[|the VHS blog]] or read our [[pressreleases|VHS Press Releases]]. +
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-For everything else, please use the search feature in the top right corner of the Wiki. +
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-[[Knowledge Resources]]+
start.txt · Last modified: 2023/10/20 20:31 by dbynoe

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