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 +====== VHS Hack Challenge ======
 +It is our pleasure to announce the first VHS Hack Challenge. With all the amazing projects we have seen in the last few months at VHS, we want to help a few of these projects make it to a wider audience. Also, we want to give you, our fellow hackers, a little incentive to finish that masterpiece you have been working on and promote the VHS ideals of do-ocracy. 
 +The entries can these forms;
 +Post a tutorial - open an Instructables account or post on your own blog. Quality of documentation is a factor, so please keep good notes and take lots of photos to help those who wish to replicate your little hack. Instant bonus points for getting a mention on MAKE or Hackaday. Please include some mention of the VHS Hack Challenge for our vain little hearts.
 +Give a talk - Got the goods on something interesting? Come and give a talk on it. If its informative and we can post a video of it - it will be considered. 
 +Write some code - Maybe a little open source project you been working on? Got a helpful website up and running? Mention the VHS Hack Challenge,  post it to the mailing-list and you are off to the races. 
 +Make a kit - Add to the growing collection of VHS kits - any little open source do-dad we can offer to our members to build will further the cause. Nice work soldier. 
 +Open to both VHS members and non members alike. In the spirit of inclusivity, we encourage everyone to submit their best hack or nicknack. 
 +Deadline: April 30th, 2010 - The winner be announced at the following Tuesday night VHS meet.  In the spirit of VHS, all entries will be judged based on the consensus of the members.
 +Prize: Infamy... oh, and a brand spankin' new DSO nano and Bus Pirate v3 from SeeedStudio.
 +Questions? Fire away, we will post any further rules that need clarification to the mailing list as we go. 
 +Current Entrants
hacks/hack_challenge.txt · Last modified: 2015/12/12 14:31 by

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