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Currently, VHS uses Membership Management Pro.

It gets updated like once per year (if that), and as far as we can tell, a license purchase is a one-time thing with no entitlement to updates.

So, naturally, we're doing it ourselves.

Unfortunately, this is a closed license so we can't just upload everything to Github. In the (very near) future, we'll be saving changes to a git repo accessible on our network for all members to hack on.

Improvements so far:

Secure password hashing (Bruce)

Create new member records when payments for unrecognized payers come in (Bruce)

Identify payments at Friend, Member, Keyholder levels (Bruce)

RFID key association and authentication (Jarrett)

Prettying up new pages (Ty)

To come:

<Jarrett> todo list:

<Jarrett> cash member system

<Jarrett> bulk cash member modification

<Jarrett> laser cutter certs

<Jarrett> laser cutter add/remove priveleges system

<Jarrett> remove avatar and subscription settings

<Jarrett> add “mail to all keyholders” option to newsletter

<Jarrett> test email

<garthomite> Jarrett: add hooks for membership change events

<Jarrett> test reset password

<MarkHarris> thats probably not legal Jarrett (mail to all keyholders)

<Jarrett> correction: do not remove subscription options from preferences

<Jarrett> fix membership change events:

<Jarrett> - deactivate unpaid members

<Jarrett> - add “allow keyholder” admin flag and only actually change their account when the money rolls in

<Jarrett> um

<Jarrett> I think that might be it?

<Jarrett> add cool analytics

<Jarrett> oh, discourse hooks

hacks/mmp.1413867113.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/12/12 14:31 (external edit)

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