Table of Contents

What is it?

ToorCamp is North American Hacker Camp! It's the first of its kind and it's the only hacker con in the Pacific Northwest (there needs to be a Canadian one!). Anyway, since it's in Washington State, unless you have a criminal record


Map to get there

Titan Missile Silo

What is the plan?

We organize a camp with our fellow hackerspaces. We know that Protospace and NoiseBridge will be well represented at the space, as well as people from HackerBotLabs. The plan is to organize a hackerspaces camp and show people who are coming from farther away just how awesome our respective spaces are by having a kick ass camp.

What events are we going to do?

We have to do events as well. If they're down, we may work together with NoiseBridge on some stuff.

OK, Who's going

Put your name down all BarCamp style if you're going! It's a wiki, so if you don't make it, you can delete yourself off. Remember, YOUR EXCUSES ARE INVALID!!!!!!