Table of Contents

Who, What, Where, When, Why

We had a State of the Union/Strategic Planning meeting on Monday, October 19, 2009 at 7:00pm at VHS. The intent of the meeting was to reflect on the past few months and plan a strategy for the future of the space.


Squirm Test

Membership/Financial Report

Review of Mission and Principles

  0. Be excellent to each other.  No racism, sexism, homophobia, or classism.
  1. VHS projects are group projects, not individual projects.
  2. Group projects are open projects.
  3. Eager willingness to learn is all you need.  Expertise is not required.  It's always okay to ask questions.
  4. Disclose your motives and affiliations.

Review of Goals




Results We Want

What Has Worked Well

What Has Not Worked Well

What We Should Do More



Other Business