OpenROV Build

A few people have expressed interest in building an OpenROV. We'll be documenting our progress here.

Next Steps

Initial Look

At this stage, it's been mostly research. I've been reading up on OpenROV. I've purchased a BeagleBone Black from Lee's Electronics on Main St ($55 + tax). Being lazy, I downloaded the BBB image from the Github rep, unzipped it, and used Win32 Disk Imager to write the image to a microSD card (2gb are required, but I had an 8gb card laying around). Then I purchased a micro HDMI cable from The Source (around $10 I think), and took a quick peek at the BBB which runs linux. The default username is: rov and the password is: OpenROV. From there, I could browse to Start.html and see the interface used to control the ROV.

The point of all this was basically to get familiar with the BBB, and get a bit of insight into the project. I'll likely update the image again before it's done. Some other things to note:

Total Cost to Date: $65 cdn