===== What is it? ===== [[http://wiki.toorcamp.org/|ToorCamp]] is North American Hacker Camp! It's the first of its kind and it's the only hacker con in the Pacific Northwest (there needs to be a Canadian one!). Anyway, since it's in Washington State, unless you have a criminal record YOUR EXCUSES ARE INVALID! ===== Map to get there ===== [[http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=Vancouver,+BC,+Canada+(Vancouver)&daddr=Titan+Missile+Silo&hl=en&geocode=%3BFUgC0AIdgfjq-CFOl8Fxt5yYKQ&mra=pr&sll=47.783635,-116.905518&sspn=6.356202,14.282227&ie=UTF8&ll=47.857403,-120.926514&spn=3.173444,7.141113&t=h&z=8 | Titan Missile Silo]] ===== What is the plan? ===== We organize a camp with our fellow hackerspaces. We know that Protospace and NoiseBridge will be well represented at the space, as well as people from HackerBotLabs. The plan is to organize a hackerspaces camp and show people who are coming from farther away just how awesome our respective spaces are by having a kick ass camp. ===== What events are we going to do? ===== We have to do events as well. If they're down, we may work together with NoiseBridge on some stuff. ===== OK, Who's going ===== Put your name down all BarCamp style if you're going! It's a wiki, so if you don't make it, you can delete yourself off. Remember, YOUR EXCUSES ARE INVALID!!!!!! * Joe B * spiri * electronjunkie (Prince George Group) * Menace (Prince George Group) * Sarabyn (Prince George Group) * Dustin Q * Sarlok (Prince George Group) * Infamy * fishboy51 * BIG JB