===== Venables space planning & set-up ===== (status: new section sand box development) This section is intended to provide a concise & current and updated situation report on the planning and set-up of the new space on Venables (2019). It is not intended to replace the ongoing discussion on Talk but, rather, to be a concise one-stop place for members to view a snapshot of the current consensus on how the new space is being planned out and set-up. It is also a place where interested parties can identify their areas of interest/contribution/collaboration. [[tool:compendium_of_champions|We are currently seeking champions for our areas]] ==== Floor Plan ==== [[https://talk.vanhack.ca/t/venables-master-plan-space-layout/8805|TALK: Venables Master Plan - Space Layout (2019-02-09 • dbynoe)]] {{:80aa6b92c1801850462db78e8f7b8f32b69f7161.jpeg?400|Space Plan}} [[https://talk.vanhack.ca/uploads/default/original/2X/8/8577d81743af13387a85f21394a3cdc9ce4d252d.pdf|vhs floorplan with tools Feb 9 2019.pdf]] ==== Electric Power Distribution ==== [[https://talk.vanhack.ca/t/electrical-single-line-diagram-of-the-space/8896/3|TALK: Electrical single line diagram of the space (2019-03-07 • JohnC)]] [[https://talk.vanhack.ca/uploads/default/original/2X/5/5010e39270803406075deb98e21b9d18b8e450d6.jpeg|Electrical Power Distribution]] ====== Hackspace Improvements ====== Here is a list of possible group projects/space improvements that can be undertaken by members! Do you have an idea to make the space better, but don't have the time? Add it! Do you want to make the space better, but don't have ideas? Feel free to take ownership! * Noise cancelling for wood shop project * https://talk.vanhack.ca/t/noise-complaints/8991 * Timed locking system for mullet doors * #vhs-tapkit in slack * Wood shop tool organization * https://talk.vanhack.ca/t/new-additions-to-the-woodshop/8904/14 * Sign-up kiosk for new members * https://talk.vanhack.ca/t/thank-you-everyone-lets-keep-it-rolling/8975