=====OpenBTS 2010-07-04 on Ubuntu 10.04===== ====install deb packages:==== aptitude install libusrp-dev libosip2-dev libortp-dev git-core gcc build-essential asterisk ====Configure asterisk==== The following configuration auto-registers all requested sip extensions and dumps all calls to a conference(meetme)... NOT E911 SAFE! add to [general] in /etc/asterisk/sip.conf: bindport=5060 srvlookup=yes autocreatepeer=yes canreinvite=no call-limit=1 type=friend allow=gsm context=sip-internal host= create context [sip-internal] in /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf: [sip-internal] exten => _.,1,MeetMe(101) under [rooms] in /etc/asterisk/meetme.conf add: conf => 101 restart asterisk: /etc/init.d/asterisk restart ====git, build, run openbts:==== git clone git://openbts.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/openbts/openbts cd openbts/public-trunk ./configure make cd apps/ cp OpenBTS.config.example OpenBTS.config nano OpenBTS.config ## make changes? ./OpenBTS Now search for the network on your trusty gsm device