====== Name of Tool ====== {{::generic-tool.png?200|}} Summary description of the tool and perhaps some notes about its existence! ^ Make & Model | | ^ Serial Number | serial number | ^ User Manual | upload and link to the manufacturer's user manual | ^ Status | (Unknown, Operational, Offline, etc.) as of Date | ^ Training | Optional, Recommended, Mandatory, RTFM | ^ Hackable | YES or NO | ^ Usage Restrictions | (Anyone, Members Only, Keyholders Only, Whitelist) | ^ Owner | (VHS or Name of proper owner) | ^ If it Breaks | (Panic procedure, usually involving emailing list and "broken" sign) | ^ Loan Status | (Unknown, Owned, Permanent, Temporary, Semi-Permanent | ^ Arrival Date | Date | ^ Location | (Location within VHS, eg Workshop | ^ Value | $$ | ^ Champion | See [[tool:compendium_of_champions#tools|Compendium of Champions]] | ===== Safety ===== This should outline safety concerns and guidelines for the tool and it's operation. ===== Specifications ===== Detailed specifications and references to information describing the tool. Strive for comprehensive! ===== Tutorial ===== Instructions on how to use the tool or links to references, pdf guide or something. This should be a solid basis for any required training. ===== Maintenance Log ==== Any maintenance, repairs, relocations, changes, etc to the tool should be logged below with a note, date and who! ^ Note ^ Date ^ Who ^ | Wiki entry created | Nov 20, 2013 | Thomas L. |