====== Dremel Vibrating Multi Tool ====== {{::generic-tool.png?200|}} Summary description of the tool and perhaps some notes about its existence! ^ Make & Model | Dremel mm30 | ^ Serial Number | LR39098 706 | ^ User Manual | https://us.dremel.com/documents/20812/137350/Dremel+Multi-Max+MM30/fd0ef1b9-816e-4f5e-80e4-18ce3ab27a07 | ^ Status | Operational | ^ Training | RTFM | ^ Hackable | NO | ^ Usage Restrictions | Anyone | ^ Owner | Alex Sizov | ^ If it Breaks | message me on SLACK, alternatively, leave your contact in the bag with a note. | ^ Loan Status |Temporary | ^ Arrival Date | 10/19/2021 | ^ Location | Wood workshop, power tools drawer | ^ Value | 100$$ | ^ Champion | See [[tool:compendium_of_champions#tools|Compendium of Champions]] | ===== Safety ===== This tool is relatively safe to use, actually, it's pretty hard to cut yourself with it even if you try. ===== Specifications ===== check the manufacturer description. it vibrates, and thus cuts things. for hard to get to places ===== Tutorial ===== https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sr4fTxS_o70&ab_channel=CPOOutlets ===== Maintenance Log ==== ^ Note ^ Date ^ Who ^ | Wiki entry created | Oct 19, 2021 | Alex Sizov |