====== VHS Brewing Equipment ====== Want to make sugary liquid less sugary? Well, now's your chance! VHS has all the equipment you need to brew up some beer! {{ :tool:vhs_wine_brewing_carboy.jpg?400|}} ^ Status | Working as of May 2021 | ^ Training | NO| ^ Hackable | Yes? | ^ Usage Restrictions | No toxic materials | ^ Owner | @gimpy | ^ If it Breaks | Contact @gimpy, please replace | ^ Loan Status | Long term - Donor has right of first refusal on disposal | ^ Arrival Date | 2021 | ^ Location | Kitchen| ^ Value | $200? | ^ Champion | @gimpy | ====== Equipment ====== * 3 glass carboys * 2 primary fermenters * Floor corker * Hand Corker * Siphon hoses * Tilt Hydrometer https://tilthydrometer.com/