====== Delta Bench Bandsaw ====== {{::generic-tool.png?200 |}} Summary description of the tool and perhaps some misc notes about it's existence! ^ Status | Unknown as of November 2013 | ^ Training | Recommended | ^ Hackable | NO | ^ Usage Restrictions | Members Only | ^ Owner | (VHS or Name of proper owner) | ^ If it Breaks | Unplug machine, put a "broken" sign on machine, contact Chris Cudahy. | ^ Loan Status | (Unknown, Owned, Permanent, Temporary, Semi-Permanent | ^ Arrival Date | April 2013 | ^ Location | Danger Zone | ^ Value | $100 | ^ Champion | See [[tool:compendium_of_champions#tools|Compendium of Champions]] | ====== Safety at a Glance ====== __Required:__ * Safety Glasses * an experienced bandsaw operator (if this is not you, you must get someone to help you!) __Optional (but recommended):__ * Hearing Protection * Dust protection __Prohibited:__ * Gloves (NEVER use gloves near rotating machinery!) * Loose clothing * Loose hair ====== Safe Operation Details ====== __Description:__ Before using set blade tension with the spring loaded lever on top of the machine and adjust the blade guides as needed. Release the tension when you're done. This extends the blade life. [[http://www.wikihow.com/Use-a-Bench-Top-Bandsaw]]\\ [[http://servicenet.deltamachinery.com/Products/Detail/28-185]]\\ [[http://www.mikestools.com/ownersmanuals/28-185.pdf]]