====== AnyCubic Photon Mono ====== Summary description of the tool and perhaps some notes about its existence! ^ Make & Model | AnyCubic Photon Mono | ^ User Manual | https://drive.google.com/file/d/13RRYWYLUbsuTgqAV4Z7Vqjsnr4SrinkZ/view | ^ Training | Mandatory on any SLA printer | ^ Hackable | No | ^ Usage Restrictions | Anyone| ^ Owner | Phillip Ma| ^ If it Breaks | Report on Slack/Talk - please tag @phillip_m (slack) or @phillip_ma (talk)| ^ Loan Status | Long Term Loan | ^ Arrival Date | September 2023 | ^ Location | Paint and Mess Room| ^ Value | $$ | ^ Champion | See [[tool:compendium_of_champions#tools|Compendium of Champions]] | ===== Safety ===== Nitrile Gloves are Mandatory Respirator and turning on Ventalation highly recommended. ===== Specifications ===== 2k printer ===== Approved Resins ===== Members are encouraged to bring their own resin for their printing. Resin left behind is fair game for anyone to use and can easily be mixed in with resins of a different brand affecting the print quality of subsequent prints. ^ Brand ^ Layer Thickness ^ Normal Exposure ^ Bottom Exposure time ^ Bottom Layers ^ |Elegoo Plant Based 3D Printer Resin| 0.05mm | 1.5s | 80s | 6| ===== Tutorial ===== Contact @phillip_m or @avy on slack for training. A form is also pinned to the #3dprinting channel in slack but contact us directly if you want the run down. ===== Maintenance Log ==== ^ Note ^ Date ^ Who ^ | Routine Test print | March 5th, 2024 | Phillip M |