=== VHS MEETING MINUTES, JUNE 9 2009 === 1. INCORPORATION We are officially incorporated! 2. LOCATION OF SUBSEQUENT MEETINGS We need to confirm meeting location for next week and next 3 months. Dallas is talking to eatART. If we don't hear back, Austin will follow up with Leah. If it happens, we will have a barbecue. Alex is happy to pick up food and stuff if people ask him. 3. TOORCAMP spiri, fishboy51, infamy, InfiL00p, and Jack Bates are going. They will coordinate amongst themselves. 4. SPACE Jeff will add pages for the spaces below to the wiki. Please add additional spaces and details there! Jeff will follow up with the space at Grant and Vernon. The space on Wall St is still available after months of being up for rent; they're looking for something with C2 zoning but at this point we can probably talk them into renting to us. Austin will follow up. Alex contacted Station Square and never heard back. He'll try again. Joe sent pictures of the Clark and Frances space (near Vespa) to the list with some details. No walls, no plumbing. Consensus is that the prices are too high for us for right now. Alex can probably get us a ham club licence which would allow us to get rooftop liability insurance. This could really help to get rooftop access at a space. 5. INFRASTRUCTURE MEETINGS Infrastructure meetings are currently scheduled for days ending in 7 and happen on IRC. This doesn't seem to be working too well. Proposal: hold these meetings in person at 6:30 PM every second Tuesday. Maybe we can confirm this at next meeting? 6. HAVE LIST Alex proposed setting up a list of equipment that members have and are willing to donate once we have a space. It has been set up on the wiki at [[havelist]]. Please add to it!