Sept 2, 2008 Vancouver Hackerspace Meeting Agenda \ Minutes * Open First Beer * This went over well. * Introduction * Show and Tell - Arduino with Joe * Joe introduced the group to the Arduino hardware and some of the available expansion shields. * Ryan showed some circuit bent toys. * Luke brought a couple of XO laptops in and talked about some projects he was working on with them. * [[Access]] to Emma's Hackery (VHS members) * Many options were discussed for controlling access to the space. See ongoing discussion about [[Access]] * Rene and Shane agreed to try to source a Magnetic Strip lock. * Dave (landlord) said that he would cover the cost of the lock as long as the price was reasonable. * Current keyholders will be Shane, Joe and Jeff. * Group settled tentatively to implement lock on September 20th or 21st. * Further discussion decided for next meeting September 9th. * Emma's Hackery & VHS [[Principles]] of Unity? * This topic was discussed at some length. * Shane drafted principles since the last meeting. Some additions were made. * This will be an evolving topic. * Media Policy * We decided that we would be open to the media in the future. * Currently we don't really have anything to tell them. * Openness * This generated a lot of discussion. * As a basic summary, * Projects will be considered public unless explicitly private. * All business related to personal members, financial issues and non-project related discussions are considered private unless explicitly public. * Website/Domain ( * Lockers * Joe will look into finding lockers for the space. * Rene said that he could take care of getting the lockers to the space. * Accessibility/Sliding Scale * Tentatively it was decided to build our core members and infrastructure first. We will discuss the sliding scale at a future meeting. * Event Planning for September * FU Night - Maybe next month once we have some projects and some infrastructure. * Microcontroller Study Group - First session September 9th. * [[Movie Night]] * Beer Drinking Night * RepRap Party Night * PARTAY!!!