VHS Meeting ------------------------------- 1. Yes, we like the location 2. We have committed hackers 3. Our name is VHS 4. Wiki, Website, IRC 5. Connection - Discussed the connection 6. Talked about projects * VHS projects are group projects, not inividual projects * Do your own dishes * Full Disclosure * Group of friends, not a group of workers * GPL/CC Space - Anything developed here is GPL/Creative Commons * Documenting what we are doing * Setting up a Video Blogging Center * ASpread - Post to all video sites on the Internet * Keeping a running log of what we're doing * Make sure we have standards 7. Principles for conduct in the space: * Make sure the space is inclusive * No Assholism (No Racism, Sexism, Homophobia or Classism. We're all just hackers here!) * Consensus, Respect and Mutual Aid 8. Who we want to have: * Dorkbot Mailing List * Draw the HAM community in as well * Talked about the ground rules 9. Who we don't want to have: * Anti-Vectorialist 10. Method of dealing with problems, and dealing with them: * Agile Practices * Retrospective * Putting the time and energy to make consensus work, and keep it going * Brew Club 11. Meetings * Weekly * Compliment it with the social space * Regular Meetings keep things clear * People don't have to attend every meeting 12. Principles: * Shane will draft some principles to put up on the wiki 13. Next Meeting: * Map up how it will be on the space * David will find a schematic for the space * Principles Review 14. Next Meeting Date/Time: * Sept 2nd the next date * 7:00 PM * Kick-Off Party * Plan Beer Drinking session in the middle of the month * Arrange the payment plans * Accessibility/Sliding Scale * If you know someone cool, bringing them along * Show and Tell with Arduino with Joe - September 2nd * Make it interdiciplinary * VHS related projects