====== Call a Number get a URL ====== === Howto Use === *Call 778.785.5982 *Enter the conference number you would like to use *Enter a PIN, this is used to make the conference private. If no pin is required just hit # *Tell others the conference number so they can join and Talk *When the conversation is over press # to receive your URL *Recordings that are >60 days old are deleted ===Dev Ideas/Notes=== Call a number get a url. This would be a phone number where you call in and the audio is recorded. The recorded calls would be available on a website after the call. * audio available under a CC license of some sort * option to text message the url to the caller * 3-way option to record conversations. Good for interviews. * callanumbergetaurl.com TODO: * <del>get a 604 or 778 voip number </del> * <del>run asterisk on a server (VHS box or member's???)</del> * <del>hack a hello world asterisk script</del> * <del>record each call until # is pressed</del> * <del>save call to a file</del> * associate the file with a tiny URL * <del>read the URL to the phone</del> * <del>hang up</del> * build website * buy domain * <del>setup server</del> * design site * implement site