===== Equipment Purchasing Committee - disbanded Dec 2021 ===== Established: September, 2015 Disbanded: December 2021 as per QGM minutes [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FSDtF9t8iJJwp677euKyU4gqdXt2YxKpnpY_vXQ6nAs/edit|Dec 5th QGM Minutes]] ** URGENT: EPC is NOT accepting new requests until further notice. ** ** We are currently resolving the outstanding reimbursement requests and establishing a new workflow. ** Goals: The Equipment Purchase Committee has a discretionary budget for purchasing new (or used) equipment and maintaining existing equipment. This can include consumables as well as general maintenance items, but is __not intended for large purchases nor those that are easy to get buy-in from the membership for__. Those purchases should be made by the regular equipment purchasing/funding method where VHS will contribute a portion of the funds required and members will contribute the rest. Members: * Thomas L (@laftho) * Richard S (@rsim) * Lantana T (@lantana) * Mimi X (@xquared) * Andrew H (@andrewhendriks )