ARC members went out and attempted to connect to the VECTOR radio net. Discussion after completion of VECTOR Radio Net Round table * sample copies of the Basic qualification exam were passed around for people to review. * General discussion of the types and difficulties of questions. * Suggestions to use the Industry Canada Amateur Radio Exam Generator ( * Discussion around setting up a non-permanent antenna on the roof of VHS; this would permit us to connect our radios to it and stay inside * VHS Directors are happy to give us bench space for the HF equipment * lock up the microphone when it can't be used * discussion around the merits of creating a full course sufficient to give meaningful context for those taking both the Basic and Advanced qualifications * decision to feed people to the VECTOR radio course * creating a full open source amateur radio course is a massive undertaking * the VECTOR course will get people through the basic exam * decided to keep the meeting on Wednesday * Tuesday is noisy, very busy * VHS is getting a community table at FanExpo * Paul can dedicating part of the VHS sign to ARC Round Robin: * what skills do you have * what have you done before * what are you interested in now Andrew (V47HEX) * recently completed the VECTOR course last year * interested in building basic skills * Morse Code for broader recognition (outside North America) * little skills, happy to help out Jeremy (VA7NSA) * 5 years, not very active * interested in digital radio * WinLink (, Backdoor * microwave Ian (VE7FTO) * 25 years in the UK * did a lot with them for emergency radio * Canadian license last year * interested in all new digital modes * Continous Wave (CW) * getting onto HF bands * QRP HF Kit ( * was a MFJ kit [ED: ?] * questionable reputation * ARRL combo with HF manual and kit * don't have advanced William (VE6UUG) * Ham since 1988 * started in Calgary with CARA course ( * computer scientist * interested in packet radio * not active since moving to Vancouver * want to get back to doing things * deemed to have advanced qualification * studied electrical engineering for a few years * know a little about digital, electronics * foot in both camps, bring them together * interested in digital modes Farrell (VA7FSE) * advanced qualification in 1976 * started in South Africa * redid the exam here 2 years ago * have advanced qualification * like activities * for example, fox hunting * want to start up again this Summer * mobile truck * like to see an active station here * anybody can listen * shortwave not so great anymore * HF satellite activity * interesting experiments * Earth-Moon bounce * Continuous Wave/Morse code Patrick (VE7SDI) * got Basic 8 years ago * Advanced 5 years * involved in BCIT radio club, stilling running it [ED: ??] * have volunteered at VECTOR events like the fireworks * interested in digital modes Tom (no license yet) * no preconceived ideas of what to learn * know nothing * saw posts for people talking about it * recently decided to learn * bought radio today * pick up things Sean (no license yet) * aiming for advanced qualifications * interested in everything from building, bouncing signal off Moon, talking to people in Japan Paul (VE7PXG) * just got license * fresh * want to learn my Morse * want the Advanced qualification * want to take people through the Basic course * John Oliver school used to have a very active amateur radio club * lost the callsign * Farrel in touch with school, antenna still on roof * neat community type project * put it on the Member's only list * lots of interest * about half the number of people here who have talked about it on email Andrew (VA7HEX) * commonality in the discussion is digital radio * looking for a way to keep everyone engaged * two people looking to write the license exam * need to write the Basic before the Advanced * can write the Advanced right away * Action Items * Paul, Farrell, and Ty to work out getting a portable antenna on the roof of VHS * Membership Form for VHS ARC (Andrew) * Paul to track down the handheld satellite antenna that a friend wanted to donate * Everyone else: research ham radio satellites with a goal of downloading weather satellite images.