====== Garbage and Recycling ====== We take out our own trash at VHS. If it's full, take it to the dumpster. Do not wait to get to the state of garbage jenga. {{:admin:garbage2.jpeg?direct|}} Go towards the back of the shop and you will find a dumpster key and a door: {{:admin:garbage3.jpeg?direct|}} Go Outside and turn right, and you will find a Dumpster, Follow these easy steps: * Use they key on the Dumpster Lock. * Pivot the locking bar downwards * Open the lid * Deposit the garbage within the Dumpster. * Close the lid * Don’t forget to lock it when you are done. {{:admin:garbage4.jpeg?direct|}} Recycling goes here. We separate regular recycling from cash recycling, I.E. cans and bottles. {{:admin:recycling1.jpeg?direct|}} According to our agreement with the waste management company: The General Garbage bin is for “PLYWOOD WASTE AND GENERAL GARBAGE” which allows for 5% organic waste that should otherwise go into compostables in a green bin. The mixed recycling tote allows for “A RECYCLING TOTE FOR CANS, TINS, PLASTIC CONTAINERS :recycle:1, :recycle:2 :recycle:4 :recycle:5, AND A LITTLE CARDBOARD” If you hate the idea of organics ending up in the landfill as much as I do, please consider packing out your food waste. THANK YOU! (Please also keep in mind that solid wood scraps are considered organics waste but not plywood.) [[https://talk.vanhack.ca/uploads/default/original/2X/4/40832278095be5a966e6b72044ab7315e9be58e6.pdf|Download PDF list of banned materials from recycling]] {{:garbagedumpster.jpeg?nolink&400|}} Here is the pickup schedule: {{:admin:garbage_2021-2022_cropped.png?direct&500|}}