====== Proposing Policies and you! ====== Deal with this: https://vanhack.ca/doku.php?id=admin:the_proposal_process Our [[http://vanhack.ca/wp/about/constitution-and-bylaws/|Bylaws]] allow us to adopt [[admin:policies|Policies and Procedures]] that the membership is required to follow (see sections 2.2 and 2.5). Proposals for Policies or Procedures must be submitted to the membership in the [[https://talk.vanhack.ca/c/vhs-members-only/qgm|Members Only/QGM area of our Talk forum]]. Proposals require the support of a minimum of two members. See [[http://www.bclaws.ca/civix/document/id/lc/statreg/15018_01#section81|Section 81(1) of the societies act]]. === The proposal must: === * Contain the proposers names * Contain the full and final text of the proposal. * Be submitted with proper notice (two weeks before the meeting, as defined in our bylaws) * Not be changed once the notice of the meeting has gone out. * Be less than 200 words, if the proposed motion excedes this, please attach it to the motion as a schedule ie: //"I want to propose we adopt the policy "bar" as attached as schedule "foo""// * Be consistent with the existing Bylaws and Policies and Procedures of the Society (see 2.5 of our [[http://vanhack.ca/wp/about/constitution-and-bylaws/|Bylaws]]) Notices of members meetings should include the text of all proposals to be considered at that meeting. ===== For example: ===== John Doe and Jane Smith would like to propose the following Policy: //All members will be required to wear silly hats on February 31st, the list of acceptable silly hats is attached as Schedule A.// Schedule A: List of acceptable silly hats: * Bucket hats - only if chartreuse * Capuchons - all * Party hats - only if containing reflective elements * Propeller beanies - only if motorized or steam powered * Hats containing LED’s * Hats containing interactive electronic elements * Hats containing sound producing devices including record players, megaphones, streaming audio devices, pipe organs and bagpipes.