====== What is a Do-Ocracy? ====== "Do-ocracy: If you want something done, do it, but remember to be excellent to each other when doing so." (Source: [[https://www.noisebridge.net/wiki/Do-ocracy|Noisebridge wiki]]) "A do-ocracy ... is an organizational structure in which individuals choose roles and tasks for themselves and execute them. Responsibilities attach to people who //do// the work, rather than elected or selected officials." (Source: [[http://www.communitywiki.org/DoOcracy|CommunityWiki]]) ====== Case studies ====== Since it there is some grey area in what is reasonable in a doocracy, this is a collection of case studies and post mortems. Adding stories here will help others get a feel for this. [[:craft_table_doocracy_post_mortem]]