====== Administration and Governance ====== VHS has a board of directors that tries to remain largely uninvolved and democratic. We strive to have a flat hierarchy where every member, keyholder and director is given equal say in our society. However, Directors are there to take over in issues of legality, finance, building maintenance and interpersonal conflict in order to keep our space afloat. These are the formal [[admin:directors|duties of a director]]. ===== Current Board of Directors ===== ^ Tenure ^ Name ^ Forum ^ Slack ^ | 2020- present | John Craver | [[https://talk.vanhack.ca/u/johnc/summary]] | @JohnC| | 2017 - present | Alex Cruise | [[https://talk.vanhack.ca/u/arrgh/summary|Aargh]] | @arrgh | | 2019 - present | Tristan Lane | [[https://talk.vanhack.ca/u/TristanL/summary|TristanL]] | @TristanL | | 2020- present | Jim Stamper | [[https://talk.vanhack.ca/u/winegummo/summary]] | @jim| Contact the board: Membership Inquiries: All other inquiries can be sent through our [[http://vanhack.ca/wp/contact-us/|contact form]] ==== Past Directors ==== ^ Tenure ^ Name ^ | 2019 - 2020| Bill T| | 2018 - 2020| Maryam L| | 2017 - 2020| Mimi X| | 2016 - 2019 | Luke B | | 2015 - 2019 | Rob M | | 2018 - 2019 | David B | | 2015 - 2016 | John C | | 2015 - 2016 | Jarret R | | 2015 - 2016 | Dennis F | | 2015 - 2016 | James S| | 2015 - 2016 | Sean H | ===== Constitution and Bylaws ===== [[https://vanhack.ca/wp/about/constitution-and-bylaws/|VHS Bylaws - 2018]] [[https://vanhack.ca/wp/about/code-of-conduct-grievance-procedure/|Code of Conduct and Grievance Procedure]] ===== Policies ===== [[admin:policies| Ratified Policies]] [[admin:proposing_a_policy|Proposing a Policy]] ===== Official Meetings ===== [[admin:running_an_agm|Annual General Meetings]] [[admin:running_a_qgm|Quarterly General Meetings]]