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tidyspace:areas [2024/09/21 20:38] tyisitidyspace:areas [2024/09/21 20:40] (current) tyisi
Line 3: Line 3:
 ^ Area ^ Owners ^ ^ Area ^ Owners ^
 | General | TSC | | General | TSC |
 +| 3D Printer Committee | [[tool:3dprintgroup|3D Printer Committee]] |
 +| Arts and Crafts Area | [[committees:sewing|Sewing and Crafts Committee]] |
 | Electronics Area | [[committees:electronics_committee|Electronics Committee]] | | Electronics Area | [[committees:electronics_committee|Electronics Committee]] |
 | Laser Cutter | [[committees:lcc|LCC]] | | Laser Cutter | [[committees:lcc|LCC]] |
 | Server Room | [[|#vhs-it-ops]] | | Server Room | [[|#vhs-it-ops]] |
tidyspace/areas.1726951122.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/09/21 20:38 by tyisi

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