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hacks:mmp [2014/10/21 02:56] jarretthacks:mmp [2015/12/12 14:31] (current) – external edit
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-Currently, VHS uses Membership Management Pro.+VHS uses Membership Management Pro to, well, manage its users.
 +This system is tied into RFID/PIN access to doors and tools around the space.
-It gets updated like once per year (if that), and as far as we can tell, a license purchase is a one-time thing with no entitlement to updates. 
 +It can also generate some cool (anonymous) analytics about our membership base.
-So, naturally, we're doing it ourselves. 
-Unfortunately, this is a closed license so we can't just upload everything to Github. In the (very nearfuturewe'll be saving changes to git repo accessible on our network for all members to hack on.+We are constantly working on it (no dev support), so give us hand.
-Improvements so far:+Check it out on our [[|GitHub]]! It is closed source, so you must be a member of VHS and request access to the VHS group on IRC/forums.
-Secure password hashing (Bruce) 
-RFID key association and authentication (Jarrett) +Stakeholders for more informationBruce, Jarrett (primary now)
- +
-Prettying up new pages (Ty) +
- +
- +
- +
-To come: +
- +
-<Jarrett> todo list: +
-<Jarrett> cash member system +
-<Jarrett> bulk cash member modification +
-<Jarrett> laser cutter certs +
-<Jarrett> laser cutter add/remove priveleges system +
-<Jarrett> remove avatar and subscription settings +
-<Jarrett> add "mail to all keyholders" option to newsletter +
-<Jarrett> test email +
-<garthomite> Jarrett: add hooks for membership change events +
-<Jarrett> test reset password +
-<MarkHarris> thats probably not legal Jarrett (mail to all keyholders) +
-<Jarrett> correction: do not remove subscription options from preferences +
-<Jarrett> fix membership change events: +
-<Jarrett> - deactivate unpaid members +
-<Jarrett> - add "allow keyholder" admin flag and only actually change their account when the money rolls in +
-<Jarrett> um +
-<Jarrett> I think that might be it? +
-<Jarrett> add cool analytics+
hacks/mmp.1413860161.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/12/12 14:31 (external edit)

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