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 **[Q]** How do I become a keyholder?\\ **[Q]** How do I become a keyholder?\\
-**[A]** After you have been a regular member for at least two months, you can post a thread on Talk requesting approval. Members requesting keyholder status must get 3 vouches from other keyholding members. Assuming you get vouched (most are), you will receive more information one week later from the membership coordinator.+**[A]** After you have been a regular member for at least two months, you can post a thread on Talk requesting approval. Members requesting keyholder status must get 3 vouches from other keyholding members. Each of those vouches should say what motivates them to Vouch.  At least one of those vouches need to confirm they've gone over how to close out the space with you.  Assuming you get vouched (most are), you will receive more information one week later from the membership coordinator. 
 +**[Q]** How do I vouch for someone applying to be a keyholder?\\ 
 +**[A]** You must be a keyholder in order to vouch for someone.  Just reply to their talk post and let the community know why you think they'll be a good member.  Check to see if they have learned if they know how to lock up the space when no one's around and if let them know.  That's It! 
 **[Q]** If I pay the $75 fee per month, where do I get a key?\\ **[Q]** If I pay the $75 fee per month, where do I get a key?\\
faq.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/20 13:23 by phillip_ma

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