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VHS MAME Cabinet

Description In case you haven't noticed, there's a full sized four player arcade game in the corner at the hackspace. The idea is to convert this into a four player MAME system. The cabinet is Blitz 99

The current build idea is to use the XBOX that's in the space and already has MAME installed. Failing this, we will round up a desktop to use.

Please modify as you see fit. I know at least one of you (was it Dallas?) has built a MAME system before.

Blitz 99 Sketchup model!!

Next Steps

  1. Test to see if XBOX works
  2. Research XBOX to Arcade interface options
  3. Research MAME frontend
  4. Think of clever name for project

Parts List

  1. Additional buttons
  2. system to run MAME
  3. hardware to interface between cabinet controls and system. This Ultimarc J-Pac sounds pretty cool if we go with a PC. For an Xbox, there is an XBox Adapter available.
  4. hardware to interface between cabinet display and system. Again, Ultimarc seems to have a PC solution with the epoch name ArcadeVGA 3000.
  5. killer graphics (vinyl?)
  6. new plexi that would allow for better layout of controls
  7. coat of paint ??
  8. articulating beer holders ??


Some of the ideas that have come up are:

  • Add three additional buttons to the two middle players (Player 2 and 3) so we can get some sweet Street Fighter action going on.
  • Add the ability to use four wireless controllers
  • Add a projector in the top marquee area
  • Some sort of haptic feedback ??
  • Audio out to 5.1

Other information

Build your own controllers

Good XBOX example

mame_cabinet.1280854131.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/12/12 14:31 (external edit)

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