Table of Contents

Field Trips

You should help organize field trips to cool places for other VHS Members!


  1. 2014-01-19 - Confederation Park Train Station (organized by lukec)

List of Places We Have Contacted

Places we should Contact

How to Ask for a Tour

Customize this template, and use tips below.

Subject: Tour Inquiry

Hello XXX,

My name is FIRST LAST, and I'm with a Vancouver community group of engineers, programmers, tinkerers and crafters called the VHS.

Could refer me to someone who I could talk to about organizing a private tour of some of the cool behind the scenes stuff related to YYYY. (eg: checking out a ZZZZ, or the machine shop where QQQ are fixed.) Our group loves to learn how things work!

Apologies if you're not the best contact - if you could refer me to someone I would really appreciate it.



Outreach Coordinator, Vancouver HackSpace Society


* Try finding someone who has given a tour in the past, eg: someone mentioned in a newspaper article. * Keep your note super brief * Asking for a referral is a good hack - you either get that person to help you, or you give them permission to ask someone else instead of just not responding. If they do refer you, your request will seem more credible because of the referral. * You are now an Outreach Coordinator. Congrats. Use the title wisely.