_                       ___      _           _  _ _      _   _   
| |   __ _ ___ ___ _ _  / __|_ __(_)_ _ ___  | \| (_)__ _| |_| |_ 
| |__/ _` (_-</ -_) '_| \__ \ '_ \ | '_/ _ \ | .` | / _` | ' \  _|
|____\__,_/__/\___|_|   |___/ .__/_|_| \___/ |_|\_|_\__, |_||_\__|
                            |_|                     |___/   

Looky here! - http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=4D7BEE12AAB831DB

Next Tuesday: come build your own laser spirograph!

We will be building 15 DIY laser spirographs next week. No prior electronics experience required. All materials will be provided, and tools will be available. This night is open to all VHS members and non-members alike! To reserve a kit, email dallas.luther@gmail.com.

Tutorial led by Karl Brown.

When: 7:30pm, May 11th, 2010

Where: VHS - 45w Hastings - http://allium.hackspace.ca/walkthealley.mpg


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