====== VHS Traffic Light Social Buttons ====== {{:tool:socialbuttons.jpg?direct&400|}} ===== Where They Are ===== In the wooden bowl, on the metal desk up at the front by the stairs ===== What They Are ===== Traffic Light buttons are an [[https://autisticadvocacy.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/ColorCommunicationBadges.pdf|adaptive device used in disability spaces]] to accommodate people who struggle with communication. They are designed to show at a glance how a person is feeling / generally wants to be perceived in a social space. ===== How They Work ===== Following the idea of a traffic light, these badges are a visual shorthand for social interaction.\\ //Go, Caution, and Stop// ==== Green ==== Green buttons are for those actively seeking social communication. You can offer tours, show off your project, and seek out other social people to interact with. Green buttons are also there to assist people who are shy or struggle to initiate social situations, and invite someone to approach. ==== Yellow ==== Yellow buttons show that you advice caution when approaching. A person with a yellow button may be busy with a project, trying to concentrate, or just tired. They may want to have limited interaction, or only want to speak to a few people instead of having strangers approach them. ==== Red ==== Red buttons are for people who wish to be left alone in a busy space. It can be tiring to have to tell everyone "please leave me alone" without sounding like a jerk, so a red button can clearly communicate that you need space. ===== How to Use Them ===== Just put one on in a visible area! There are different labels to choose from, so pick which one suits you best. Buttons are absolutely not required to be in the space, but with no button, the default is assumed that you wish to interact with others. A person wearing a yellow or red button can always approach someone else to talk, and you are certainly allowed to respond if approached. You can always talk to anyone in the space about important issues like safety concerns. ----- [[area:The_hangout|Back to the Hangout]]